The Pregnancy RESEARCH phase ....
Between the women that I work with and the community of friends and mothers that I connect with, I often find myself getting asked for advice on pregnancy and motherhood-related things. I think because I speak passionately and openly about both the challenges and joys I've experienced in becoming a mother, I've been able to speak with so many other mothers and find that my experience is more universal than unique. And with each of those conversations, my desire to help and support women and mothers becomes stronger.
And so,
I have finally put everything that I have found to be most essential together in one place.
When I found out I was pregnant, my first instinct was to dive head-first into researching my pregnancy and parenting philosophies. I read so many books and blogs, and while it was at times overwhelming, I was able to gather and distill of a lot of information that made me feel empowered, excited, and most prepared to become a mother. Resources on nutrition, childbirth, breastfeeding, co-sleeping, attachment-parenting, French parenting, indigenous parenting, vaccines, elimination communication (that's a really fun one), and lots more.
It also contains wisdom from some other incredible women whose words still serve as anchors for me when things feel confusing.
I hope you find this to be an amazing resource, whatever the stage of your journey along mothering you may be!